11 Plus Mock Exams

See how our 11 Plus mock exams can prepare your child for the exam hall

We can all appreciate just how daunting an exam hall can be, and with the pressure of 11 Plus exams on your child, our support can make the world of difference.

At Marie Redmond Tuition our goal is to offer your child support, understanding and a learning environment in which they can thrive.

By taking part in our 11 Plus mock exams, they can get a better understanding of the tests and what is expected of them. It gives them the opportunity to a try wide variety of question types and familiarises them with the exam hall environment.

Our 11 Plus mock exams offer:

  • Real exam conditions in a COVID secure venue
  • A range of unique GL (Buckinghamshire, Kendrick and Slough) and FSCE (Reading School) 11+ mock exam papers
  • Unique insights on your child from the exam hall
  • Full exam conditions, with pre-recorded audio
  • Free and unlimited changes
  • Detailed results in under 48 hours
  • Video feedback for every incorrectly answered question, with Marie Redmond 11+ Intelligent Video Learning®.

If you think your child could benefit from our 11 Plus mock exams, visit our booking form today.

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