Kendrick and Reading School 11 Plus Exams

Introduction to the Kendrick and Reading School Entrance Tests

11 plus tuition for reading school11 plus tuition for kendrick schoolIn order to be eligible to apply for a place at either Kendrick School or Reading School (otherwise known as 'Reading Boys'), your child will need to take the relevant School Entrance Test (11 Plus exam). Children born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015 will take their test in September 2025 to be eligible to apply for a place for September 2026. The 2025 Reading School exam (for 2026 entry) is scheduled for early September 2025. The 2025 Kendrick School exam (for 2026 entry) will be held in the latter half of September 2025. We will update this information as soon as the official dates are confirmed.

Kendrick School announced on 7th November 2022 that its 11+ exam provider was changing from CEM to GL Assessment from the September 2023 exam (up until 2022, the exam was provided by Cambridge CEM). There is no longer a score sharing agreement in place with Slough and therefore, if your child is applying for both Kendrick and Slough, they will need to sit both the Kendrick and Slough Consortium exams.

Reading School (known informally as 'Reading Boys') switched from CEM to its own admissions test in 2021, which consists of three elements: English, Maths and Creative Writing. Children are expected to show ability appropriate to the Key Stage 2 curriculum. All 3 elements will be tested on one day and all tests will take place at Reading School only. A familiarisation paper is available here. For non-routine admissions (which can occur when a student on leaves the school and the number of students on roll for a particular year group falls below the admission number), the school continues to use a CEM exam, testing verbal, numerical and non-verbal reasoning.

Skip to FAQs about the Kendrick and Reading School entrance exams >

Our courses are led by qualified primary teachers and prepare pupils for all aspects of the Kendrick and Reading School 11+ exams

Discover our Reading 11 Plus tuition courses
  • Amira did really well obtained 119.57 Kendrick exam and obtained 128 for the Slough grammar exam, for the Buckinghamshire exam obtained 128 too. So proud of her. Thank you your contribution towards Amira helped her a lot. Amira will hopefully be attending Kendrick school 2018.

    Year 5 parent, Reading (2017)

The Sir John Madejski Scholarship

FAQs About the Kendrick School Entrance Test

What does the Kendrick School 11 Plus exam include?
  • The Kendrick (GL Assessment) exam consists of two papers, taken on the same day, each approximately 45 minutes in duration and testing three areas – verbal, mathematical and non-verbal reasoning skills.
  • The first paper tests verbal skills, including comprehension, English technical language and verbal reasoning.
  • The second paper tests non-verbal reasoning, spatial reasoning and maths.
  • All questions on both papers are multiple choice and pupils indicate their answers on a separate answer sheet.
What does the Kendrick School 11 Plus exam look like?

The provider for the Kendrick School 11+ exam changed in September 2023 from CEM to GL Assessment. Familiarisation materials can be found here.

How do I register my daughter for the Kendrick School Entrance Test?
  • You need to register your child for the Kendrick School Admission Test by completing the online registration form on the school website.
  • The purpose of registration is for your child to take the entrance test, not apply for a place at Kendrick School. Based on the results, you will still need to provide your child’s school preferences to your local authority on the Common Application Form (CAF).
  • Online registration for the 2025 exam (for 2026 entry) is expected to open in early May 2025 on the website of Kendrick School and close at the start of July 2025. We will update the exact dates here as soon as they are available.
  • On Tuesday 7th February 2023, the Slough Consortium of Grammar Schools announced that from the 2023 exam, there would be no sharing of 11+ scores with other schools. Therefore, if your child is applying for both Kendrick and Slough, they child will need to sit both the Kendrick and Slough Consortium exams.
  • Kendrick School strongly advises parents who live outside of their designated area NOT to register their child to sit their test – no candidate, whatever the score they attain, who lives outside of their designated area has been offered a place at Kendrick School since the introduction of the designated area in 2013.

FAQs About the Reading School Entrance Test

What does the Reading School 11 Plus exam include?
  • The Reading School 11 Plus entrance exam consists of three elements: English, Maths and Creative Writing. All 3 elements will be tested on one day in September and all tests will take place at Reading School.
How do I register my son for the Reading School Entrance Test?
  • You need to register your child for the Reading School Admission Test by completing the online registration form on the school admissions website.
  • The purpose of registration is for your child to take the entrance test, not apply for a place at Reading School. Based on the results, you will still need to provide your child’s school preferences to your local authority on the Common Application Form (CAF).
  • Online registration for the 2025 exam (for 2026 entry) is expected to open at the start of April 2025 and close in the middle of June 2025. We will update the exact dates here as soon as they are available.


What is Required to Pass the Kendrick 11 Plus (GL Assessment exam)?

Verbal skills, i.e. English and Verbal Reasoning (approx. 50% of the mark)

  • Comprehension
  • Verbal reasoning (the production of words, relationships between words, letters and numbers)
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation

Mathematical skills (25% of the mark)

  • Basic skills (addition, multiplication, division and subtraction)
  • Mental maths development
  • Problem solving techniques
  • Extracting information from graphs and tables
  • Averages
  • Foundation algebra concepts
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Area and volume
  • 2d and 3d shapes

Non-verbal skills (25% of the mark)

  • Spatial awareness
  • Logical deduction skills
  • Mathematical concepts such as symmetry, rotation and reflection
  • Identifying relationships, similarities and differences between figures
  • Identifying sequences between shapes

What Is Required to Pass the Reading School 11 Plus?


  • Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Punctuation


  • Basic skills (addition, multiplication, division and subtraction)
  • Mental maths development
  • Problem solving techniques
  • Extracting information from graphs and tables
  • Averages
  • Foundation algebra concepts
  • Fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Ratio and proportion
  • Area and volume
  • 2d and 3d shapes

Creative Writing

  • Story settings
  • Story characters
  • Story openings
  • Story events/problems
  • Story resolutions (endings)

Data-Led Approach With SuccessTrack® by Marie Redmond

Our term time students are assessed twice during each team – at half term and at the end of term. Based on the outcome of their initial assessment, we will create a tuition plan that sets their individual targets for each area they are preparing for (e.g. verbal, non-verbal and numerical reasoning). All lessons throughout the course are then designed to develop these areas. We continually monitor our student's progress; this means that we can check they’ve achieved their individual targets and revise their tuition plan to ensure that it suits their needs and challenges. Parents are always welcome to get in touch with us at any time during your child’s tuition, to gain feedback on their development.

SuccessTrack® by Marie Redmond is our unique data-led service that allows parents to:

  • Track their child’s progress over the Year 4 and 5 term time courses - our charts visualise a students' performance in each area of the 11 Plus, using data from our regular assessments (2 per term).
  • See their child's overall score and how that compares to our recommended pass mark for each exam they are planning to sit.
  • View anonymously how their child's scores compare (for each topic area and at a total level) to the average of all children in their cohort.
  • View their child's termly tuition plan, created using data from their assessments.
  • Read the end of term student report from their child's teacher.

Marie Redmond's Superbrain® 11+ Resources

A range of Marie Redmond's Superbrain® Books are provided exclusively to students on our courses.Marie Redmond's Superbrain® 11+ Flashcards packaging Using the knowledge gained during her eleven years of preparing students for the 11+ and independent school entrance exams, Marie Redmond MEd has written a number of verbal reasoning, English and maths books. Additionally, a range of verbal reasoning holiday course books are provided exclusively to students attending our Year 5 11+ Easter and 11+ summer holiday courses.

Marie Redmond's Superbrain® 11 Plus Flash Cards are given to all our term time students when they join, to supercharge their vocabulary skills.


Marie Redmond's Superbrain® Books for Year 5 11+ Tuition Courses in Reading

Marie Redmond's Superbrain® Verbal Reasoning and Maths Books

Marie Redmond's Superbrain® Books for Year 5 11+ Intensive Holiday Courses in Reading

Marie Redmond's Superbrain® Verbal Reasoning and Maths Books

Marie Redmond's Superbrain® Books for Year 4 11+ Tuition Courses in Reading

Marie Redmond's Superbrain® Year 4 Books

The Marie Redmond Tuition® Book Club

Marie Redmond Tuition Book ClubSharing our enjoyment of books is a fantastic way to encourage reading and therefore develop vocabulary and comprehension at home. The Marie Redmond Tuition® Book Club is an excellent platform for discussions about books, opportunities for creativity and promoting reading for pleasure. Discover our book of the month.

Creative Writing Course

Creative Writing Course

11+ Creative Writing Course for the Reading School entrance exam

The virtual creative writing course is taught by our experienced teacher, Anne, who has an immense passion for reading and writing and leads our Book Club, in addition to teaching 11+ courses. This option is particularly useful for boys preparing for the Reading School 11+ exam but is open to all our students.

Students attend one creative writing lesson per week on Zoom, which lasts for 45 minutes. During every lesson they participate in a fun writing skills warm-up activity which might focus on grammar or a literary device, they might read and analyse a writing example or use a story prompt, and then work on creating their own text.

Every week there is a focus which can include story settings, characters, openings, events / problems and resolutions.Marie Redmond's Superbrain® Creative Writing Notebook Students practise writing in a variety of formats such as stories, plays, newspaper articles and letters. They are taught to use a variety of literary techniques and we show them how to draft their work, as well as reviewing and editing.

Homework is set every week. Students build upon the tasks in their lesson to create their own text. The texts are then reviewed at the start of the next lesson.

One lesson per week on Zoom, lasting 45 minutes. Tuesdays at 4:30 pm, 5:30 pm or 6:30 pm.

For further information, including fees, term dates and FAQ's, please visit our creative writing course page.

11+ Mock Exams With Marie Redmond 11+ Intelligent Video Learning®

11 Plus Mock ExamsGet exam ready with Marie Redmond Tuition® 11 Plus Mock Exams.

Students who sat our 11 Plus mock exams in 2023 said they were very similar to the actual test, which made them feel prepared and confident when sitting the exam.


Our Kendrick and Reading School 11 Plus Tuition Courses prepare pupils for all aspects of the exams

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